Trauma Touch Therapy™

What happens to you also happens to your body. 

Many people seek counseling and other strategies to heal following a traumatic event only to find that, while they have achieved much, they still feel like something is "stuck" somewhere in their body. This can show up as chronic tension, pain that doesn't go away even with various types of treatment, feeling disconnected from the body, or in other ways. 

Trauma Touch Therapy™ (TTT) is an amazing adjunct to counseling. Just as Medical Massage is not the practice of medicine, TTT is not counseling. A gentle, non-judgmental exploration of the mystery of sensation, TTT is a method of gently guiding the client as they learn how to "hear" their body and eventually, to make friends with it again (sometimes for the first time).

Throughout the course of a Trauma Touch Therapy™ series, we explore sensation from the outside and the inside, engaging in a variety of activities that incorporate breath, movement, curiosity, and touch. We learn how trauma impacts the body, and explore how to separate emotions from the sensations that go along with them.

The client remains clothed, and we are either seated, moving around together indoors or outdoors, or the client may sit or lie on the massage table for various exercises. 

While I do provide goals and guideposts along the way, it is extremely client-led. TTT is appropriate both for clients who are very used to touch and for those who are extremely touch-averse, and is safe for people living with all sorts of medical conditions (including those that would preclude "regular" massage even with my specialized training).

Trauma Touch Therapy™ is offered as a series of 10 weekly 90-minute sessions.

To learn more about Trauma Touch Therapy™ for yourself or for a client, schedule your complimentary consultation here.

Two people dressed in long sleeves and hats, looking off to the right, with mountains in the distance. The person farther aways pointing to something in the distance.

Learn more about the various conditions and people with whom I work in my blog, Renée's Writings.

Read about my Medical Massage services here.

Read about my Reconnection Sessions here.