As of July 2021, the SARS-CoV-2 virus (the virus that causes "Covid-19") is still hanging around our part of Texas. There are vaccines available now, and some parts of North Texas have a pretty high ratio of vaccinated : unvaccinated individuals. The "mask mandate" has been lifted (for fully vaccinated individuals).
However, with new "variants of interest" and the understanding that the vaccine does not provide 100% guaranteed protection, along with the knowledge that many of my clients are immunocompromised, I shall continue to maintain the highest possible level of safety for all of my clients.

I shall continue with my own personal and professional safety measures:
I shall continue to wear a mask during all massage sessions.As of mid-2023, I am not automatically masking during sessions. If you would prefer for me to wear a mask when we meet, please let me know and I will gladly accommodate your request.- I shall continue to allow ample spacing between clients, to ensure time for proper cleaning of both surfaces and the air in my office.
- I shall continue to run my air purifier 24/7.
- I shall continue with diligent disinfection of high-contact surfaces in my treatment room
- I shall continue to diligently monitor my own health and that of my household members, and make steps to notify and/or reschedule clients who have appointments booked on a day when I or a member of my household "wakes up sick".
I still have a few expectations of my clients, as well:
- I shall continue to ask vaccination status on my intake forms. This is because there are certain potential side effects from the vaccine that I need to watch for.
- As of summer, 2022, I am allowing clients the option of not masking in the treatment room. I do reserve the right to change this at any time, based on current Covid activity.
- If you "feel something coming on" a couple of days before your appointment, please let me know and we will reschedule it. I won't charge you a late-cancellation fee if you do this. I WILL charge one if you show up sick and I have to send you home, or of you don't show up at all, or if you call me last minute when you knew you weren't feeling well for days beforehand. In addition to avoiding sharing your germs with me and my other clients scheduled for that day, we need to also keep in mind that there are certain illnesses and symptoms that contraindicate (prohibit) massage (including Covid-19) for YOUR safety.
- As always, I do expect my clients to provide me with thorough, honest health information. I am not in the business of judging my clients for any health condition they may have; quite the opposite. I am here to provide relief and comfort for those living with complex medical conditions. But in order to do this, I must have accurate information, so that I can plan the safest and most effective session possible. This includes medications and past issues/treatments as well as current/recent ones.