Medical Massage is massage that ameliorates or mitigates the symptoms of a diagnosed (or diagnosable) condition. While a prescription is not necessary for a massage to be considered a Medical Massage (unless it is to be paid for by insurance-- which I am unable to accept), a prescription COULD be written for it.
Medical Massage is not the practice of medicine or chiropractic, nor is it intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease– its purpose is to relieve symptoms and to improve quality of life.
When provided by a properly trained licensed massage therapist (LMT), massage can be beneficial for a wide variety of conditions, including (but not limited to) injuries, chronic disease, mental health conditions, and nervous system dysregulation. "Proper training" will vary based on the specific conditions to be addressed: a client living with cancer will need an LMT who is specially trained in oncology massage, someone with lymphedema will need a manual lymph drainage (MLD) specialist, and a pregnant person would do well to seek out a prenatal massage therapist (spoiler alert: I happen to be trained in all three of these particular areas). The list of symptoms and conditions for which Medical Massage can be helpful is endless! Medical Massage can be provided as a single stand-alone service or in a series of several sessions, based on the client's health history and goals.
Below are just some of the conditions for which medical massage can be helpful, sorted by whether they are generally limited-duration situations for which massage can aid in recovery, longer-term or chronic conditions for which massage can relieve symptoms, or support for mental health conditions for which massage can improve quality of life. It is possible for two or even all three of these categories to overlap for the same client, which is where my extensive specialized training comes in handy.
30 minutes = $65.00. Allows for "spot work" in one area (head/neck/face; neck/shoulders; lower legs/feet, etc.) or for clients who find themselves unable to tolerate a longer session (cancer patients, geriatric, etc.). Headaches? Sinus issues? This is great for quick relief (I may recommend further and/or longer sessions going forward for addressing a chronic condition)!
60 minutes = $115. Time enough to work with one larger area of the body, such as upper body (neck to hips) or lower body (hips to ankles), or neck to ankles front or back. Good for MLD and Medical Massage (orthopedic) when you just need upper or lower body done. I will help you determine the best "pathway" for us to follow based on your goals and health history.
90 minutes = $155. We can accomplish a lot with 90 minutes! Front and back, neck to ankles, including some nice, focused work in one area or more (depending on your goals). Also an ideal session length for those who need more focused MLD work. Great for pregnancy as this gives you time to really rest while I do my best work (I do my prenatal massages sidelying with lots of pillows so you don't have to worry about being "stranded" on a face-down support for a long time).
120 minutes = $205. Two hours gives us enough time to cover everything, including scalp, face, and feet, or to really focus on two or more areas while still allowing time to "touch on" everything else. I do not offer 120-minute sessions for pregnancy.
Please note that I may recommend a different session length than what you request, based on your specific complaints, health history, and goals.

Learn more about the various conditions and people with whom I work in my blog, Renée's Writings.
Read about my Trauma Touch Therapy™ services here.
Crick in the neck
Pain between the shoulderblades
Sciatic pain
Frozen shoulder
Rotator cuff injury
Tennis/golfer's elbow
Carpal tunnel
Surgery recovery
Heart disease
Cerebral palsy
Burn injury
Eating disorder recovery
Abuse survivor
Assault survivor
Addiction recovery